MIRC v7.1 英文正式版(IRC 類用戶端軟體)
mIRC 是英國 mIRC 公司出品的 IRC 類用戶端軟體,目前風靡於全世界。界面優美,彩色文
本行,全 DCC、XDCC 文件發送和接收能力,aliases,遠端命令和事件操作,與位置相關的
下拉功能表,WWW 和聲音支援。還可以為你建立自己的組群,滿足你和朋友們單獨溝通的需
IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is a
virtual meeting place where people
from all over the world can meet and
talk; you'll find the whole diversity
of human interests, ideas, and issues
here, and you'll be able to
participate in group discussions on
one of the many thousands of IRC
channels, on hundreds of IRC
networks, or just talk in private to
family or friends, wherever they are
in the world.
To use IRC you need a small
application like mIRC, an IRC client
for Windows that was written by
Khaled Mardam-Bey. mIRC is a friendly
IRC client that is well equipped with
options and tools.
There is no restriction to the number
of people that can participate in a
given discussion, or the number of
channels that can be formed on IRC.
As a user you run a "client" program
like mIRC which connects to a
"server" in an IRC network. All
servers are interconnected and pass
messages from user to user over the
IRC network. One server can be
connected to several other servers
and up to hundreds of clients.
MIRC v7.49 英文正式版(互聯網中繼聊天客戶端軟體)
MIRC v7.25 英文正式版(全DCC文件發送和接收能力軟體)
MIRC v6.3 英文正式版(IRC 類用戶端軟體)
Mirc v7.0 英文正式版(IRC類用戶端軟體)
MIRC v7.47 英文正式版(互聯網中繼聊天客戶端軟體)
MIRC v7.27 英文正式版(全DCC文件發送和接收能力軟體)
MIRC v7.29 英文正式版(全DCC文件發送和接收能力軟體)