JAVELINASOFTWARE ADTOOLKIT v5.0.0.0 英文正式版(簡化網路管理軟體)
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ADtoolkit?eases the day-to-day management
of Active Directory by providing bulk task
execution and streamlined configuration of
common administrative tasks. Provided is a
set of tools that can be used by any
administrator to tackle their own AD task
list, or by an administrator in charge, who
can pre-configure any tool to distribute
individually to other parts of the
organization. Either way, administrators
will minimize their task lists while
ensuring accurate, optimized management of
any network.
Ensures seamless help desk hand-off of
common tasks.
Whether youe adding users or resetting
passwords, ADtoolkit?provides you with a
simple, secure interface to delegate your
most common tasks, freeing up your skilled
administrative personnel. You can rest easy
knowing that the interface locks down tools
and fields, allowing only the tasks you
hand off to be executed. You can even set
mandatory entry fields, ensuring that all
pertinent information is entered for every
task. And, for troubleshooting later on,
youl be able to retrace all of the steps
taken through event-driven audit logs.